Food Storage and Tips
Archaeologically, one draws a line between nomadic hunter-gatherer subsistence and settled habitation by the absence or presence of storage containers/facilities within the site complex. Abundant food resources do not necessarily equate to food surplus unless one is able to store the excess beyond what is needed for the day. Depending upon the time/temperature of the year, food storage may prove ineffective if not down right dangerous to consume. As a result, our forebears developed the techniques of smoking, drying, pickling/brining, culturing and fermenting, all of which can be accomplished without the need of purchased power-but do require proper equipment to be successful and safe.
Suggested Basic Preservation Supplies
Ceramic crocks with covers OR Food safe 5-gallon pails and lids Non-iodized salt Vinegar[s] Sugar and/or honey Sources of cultures to replenish Containers with tight-fitting lids to exclude insects/vermin/rodents/moisture/air Lots of extra lids to fit your glass canning jars 25 gallons water safely stored
Extras-Nice, But Not Essential
Spices Dried Herbs Flavorings, other Alcohol [80 proof or above] for making liqueurs and preserving fruits
Suggested Basic Tools
Grain Grinder Heavy Kettles, Pans, Skillets [cast iron, tri-ply stainless steel] 2 chef's knives or rocker knife and wooden board Mortar and pestle or hand-crank blender Steam-pressure canning kettle Baking pans geared to your oven source [wood cookstove or solar] Various bowls/colanders Various utensils
Extras-Nice, But Not Essential
Salad spinner or greens washing basket Drying racks or hooks for suspending from ceilings Winnowing basket to separate seeds and chaff
Basic Types of Food Stored
Grains Legumes Rices Dried Pastas Dried Herbs [Bonus if you have an established herb garden outside your door] Spices Oils Sugars/honey Flours Baking Soda Cream of Tartar [soda and Cream of tartar can be combined to make baking powder when needed and won't need to be disposed of yearly at Passover time] Directions stored on how to capture wild yeast to replenish after Passover time Canned and dehydrated fruits and vegetables Powdered Milk Powdered Eggs to be eaten as scrambled or omelettes OR Unflavored gelatin to use in baking [To replace each egg: Dissolve 1 tablespoon unflavored gelatin in 1 tablespoon cold water, then add 2 tablespoons boiling water. Beat vigorously until frothy.]
With these basic foodstuffs and equipment, you should be able to create/cook/combine with natural foods you forage into delicious meals your family and neighbors will enjoy and will be good for them.
Remember, Elijah's widow had a handful of flour in a jar and a little oil in a jug [1 Kings 17:12] and Christ had access to only five loaves here and two fish [Matt 14:17], but each started with something to bless, to stretch--the cupboard and basket were not empty.
Tribulation & Endurance - What Do You Mean?
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--Fortitudine Vincimus—by endurance we conquer, Sir Ernest Shackleton's family motto--